2-1- Introduction
The research in Prochea Thom is only focus on the qualitative research, Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) and Semi structure interview (SSI). We also think about quantitative research too (HH survey) but we don't have enough time to achieve that purpose. To conduct the qualitative data the research team did interview with 39 respondents. For the FGD with WPC we did discussed with 3 group of WPC, and 2 group of VHR (1 Male & 1 Female).
The information of this research also help to provided us about what NPA done so far in the resettlement site, and what is the purpose of the resettle people in that new village, and also why is that village name Prochea Thom and who is give that name?
The tools for collected this information such as SSI and FGD were developed by research unit, alls that tool have been use for collecting data at BTKC, but now we update base on the lesson learn from BTKC and use in Prochea Thom village.
2-2- Time frame
If we compare with BTKC resettlement site with Prochea Thom resettlement we can see
that Prochea Thom resettlement is bigger than BTKC. In BTKC are only 211 families but in Prochea Thom are 1998 families. We took around 2 months and half to work in Prochea Thom village. This duration is include review the questionnaire, discuses with VDC in that area, and transcribed.
Base on the research unit is lack of staff, NPA hire one part time staff to help on transcribed and translated all data from the field work is Mr. Kim San. He is an English Teacher at John Son School in Banteay Meanchey province.
2-3- Research team
NPA research unit is direct conducted the research study in that area, 2 staffs -come from
Research unit is research advisor and research officer that conducted the SSI, luckily we have the other two NPA staffs, one lady Mrs. Chak Sakhoeun she is come from field liaison and monitoring assistant and the other one Mr. Thiem Rithy he is come from land and resettlement assistant and they help on FGD with VHR and WPC. During that time Mr. Keo Sambath, he is VDC leader at Prochea Thom village he also helps on facilitation during conducted FGD with VHR and WPC. In the new year (2004) NPA will expand the research unit and will recruit some more staffs to make the research team is bigger. NPA expect to recruit two more staff for research unit.
2-4- Document review and meeting
Before conducting the research in Prochea Thom village, research unit have read and review
a lot of document that related to that village, and we have meeting with all the VDC in that village too. The purpose of the meeting with VDC or the village authorities just introduce the research team to them and also introduce the research objective to them, on the other hand to ask for cooperation from them too.
NPA research unit also did interview with Mr. Thiem Rithy, that he is the land and resettlement assistant and he most focus at Prochea Thom village; we try to dig some information from him too. On the other hand we also did interview with Mr. Touch Lay, he is former NPA staff that responsible for field coordination at Prochea Thom resettlement site. He done a lot of thing in that resettlement site and he share with us on good information that is good to write this initial report.
2-5- Selection of target village
Prochea Thom is the third of resettlement that implemented by NPA. It is base on the lesson learn from the other two (BTKC and O bey Joun). First resettlement and Second resettlement are both clear the mine before settle the people, but Prochea thom is the third resettlement but not clear the mine because no mine in that soil, but the other two resettlements NPA needs to spend a lot of money to clear the mine before resettle the people.
The research team tries to selected the third resettlement to study before second settlement because the third resettlement is only in one place (only one village) but the second resettlement are more village that NPA did resettle the people. The research team decided to finish the third first and after that RT will finish the second resettlement later.
2-6- Selection of target groups
Base on in Prochea Thom village are much more families, but the random selection we only selected 39 families to interviews. There are ten clusters that NPA divided in that resettlement, and in each cluster we only selected 3 - 4 families, some time the household that we already point out to interview but when we arrived their they are not at home or that plot they abandon, after that research team try to selected the other plot that close to that plot for interview.
For FGD we only interviewed with WPC and VHR because we found that there are only that two committee are still working. When the setup the committee in that resettlement, NPA setup more committee than that, but up to now most of the committee are not working. Total WPC member in each cluster is 25 members, but when we did the FGDs are only 8 - 10 members that they involved in the group discussion.
VHR they are quite active in the community, because now they got support from other NGOs that working in the area. Total of VHR in the village is 20, because they are two members in each cluster, but now are only 14 members still working in the community, and the other four they got the job outside the village and some people they busy with their own work.
2-7- Semi-structure interview design and implementation
We have some lesson learns from BTKC on SSI and HH survey after that we update the SSI and using in Prochea Thom village. The SSI was developed fours sets of respondents:
The information from SSI and FGD are very useful and it's the stepping-stone for writing this summary report. The research in BTKC also the one lesson learn that we can revised our SSI questionnaires, and also the lesson learn that we can communicated with all the people at the resettlement site. The information from SSI it's more useful that much more describe about their personal information, their occupation and income generation, their land management, etc.
Research team also did interview with Mr. Touch Lay that he is the former field coordinator (Presently he work for Donbosco) that responsible in Poi Pet the purpose of interview is to dig the information regarding to Prochea Thom resettlement, the research advisor also conducted the interview with Meav, she is the former programe manager of NPA (1996 - 2000?)
2-8- Focus group discussion design and Implementation
The Focus Group Discussion questionnaire is also update from BTKC too. In Prochea Thom village we did the group discussion with WPC and VHR. There are …. Of WPC member involved and 14 of VHR are involved in the group discussion.
Information that we get from FGD with VHR and WPC also help much too because we know more about how the committee setup and why most all the committee are not working. Also this qualitative data also help to write this initial summary report.
The FGD that we design is only focus on two groups of the committee that are more active and more priority that we need to talk with them, such as:
The research in Prochea Thom is only focus on the qualitative research, Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) and Semi structure interview (SSI). We also think about quantitative research too (HH survey) but we don't have enough time to achieve that purpose. To conduct the qualitative data the research team did interview with 39 respondents. For the FGD with WPC we did discussed with 3 group of WPC, and 2 group of VHR (1 Male & 1 Female).
The information of this research also help to provided us about what NPA done so far in the resettlement site, and what is the purpose of the resettle people in that new village, and also why is that village name Prochea Thom and who is give that name?
The tools for collected this information such as SSI and FGD were developed by research unit, alls that tool have been use for collecting data at BTKC, but now we update base on the lesson learn from BTKC and use in Prochea Thom village.
2-2- Time frame
If we compare with BTKC resettlement site with Prochea Thom resettlement we can see
that Prochea Thom resettlement is bigger than BTKC. In BTKC are only 211 families but in Prochea Thom are 1998 families. We took around 2 months and half to work in Prochea Thom village. This duration is include review the questionnaire, discuses with VDC in that area, and transcribed.
Base on the research unit is lack of staff, NPA hire one part time staff to help on transcribed and translated all data from the field work is Mr. Kim San. He is an English Teacher at John Son School in Banteay Meanchey province.
2-3- Research team
NPA research unit is direct conducted the research study in that area, 2 staffs -come from
Research unit is research advisor and research officer that conducted the SSI, luckily we have the other two NPA staffs, one lady Mrs. Chak Sakhoeun she is come from field liaison and monitoring assistant and the other one Mr. Thiem Rithy he is come from land and resettlement assistant and they help on FGD with VHR and WPC. During that time Mr. Keo Sambath, he is VDC leader at Prochea Thom village he also helps on facilitation during conducted FGD with VHR and WPC. In the new year (2004) NPA will expand the research unit and will recruit some more staffs to make the research team is bigger. NPA expect to recruit two more staff for research unit.
2-4- Document review and meeting
Before conducting the research in Prochea Thom village, research unit have read and review
a lot of document that related to that village, and we have meeting with all the VDC in that village too. The purpose of the meeting with VDC or the village authorities just introduce the research team to them and also introduce the research objective to them, on the other hand to ask for cooperation from them too.
NPA research unit also did interview with Mr. Thiem Rithy, that he is the land and resettlement assistant and he most focus at Prochea Thom village; we try to dig some information from him too. On the other hand we also did interview with Mr. Touch Lay, he is former NPA staff that responsible for field coordination at Prochea Thom resettlement site. He done a lot of thing in that resettlement site and he share with us on good information that is good to write this initial report.
2-5- Selection of target village
Prochea Thom is the third of resettlement that implemented by NPA. It is base on the lesson learn from the other two (BTKC and O bey Joun). First resettlement and Second resettlement are both clear the mine before settle the people, but Prochea thom is the third resettlement but not clear the mine because no mine in that soil, but the other two resettlements NPA needs to spend a lot of money to clear the mine before resettle the people.
The research team tries to selected the third resettlement to study before second settlement because the third resettlement is only in one place (only one village) but the second resettlement are more village that NPA did resettle the people. The research team decided to finish the third first and after that RT will finish the second resettlement later.
2-6- Selection of target groups
Base on in Prochea Thom village are much more families, but the random selection we only selected 39 families to interviews. There are ten clusters that NPA divided in that resettlement, and in each cluster we only selected 3 - 4 families, some time the household that we already point out to interview but when we arrived their they are not at home or that plot they abandon, after that research team try to selected the other plot that close to that plot for interview.
For FGD we only interviewed with WPC and VHR because we found that there are only that two committee are still working. When the setup the committee in that resettlement, NPA setup more committee than that, but up to now most of the committee are not working. Total WPC member in each cluster is 25 members, but when we did the FGDs are only 8 - 10 members that they involved in the group discussion.
VHR they are quite active in the community, because now they got support from other NGOs that working in the area. Total of VHR in the village is 20, because they are two members in each cluster, but now are only 14 members still working in the community, and the other four they got the job outside the village and some people they busy with their own work.
2-7- Semi-structure interview design and implementation
We have some lesson learns from BTKC on SSI and HH survey after that we update the SSI and using in Prochea Thom village. The SSI was developed fours sets of respondents:
- Beneficiaries
- Local authorities
- NPA staff
The information from SSI and FGD are very useful and it's the stepping-stone for writing this summary report. The research in BTKC also the one lesson learn that we can revised our SSI questionnaires, and also the lesson learn that we can communicated with all the people at the resettlement site. The information from SSI it's more useful that much more describe about their personal information, their occupation and income generation, their land management, etc.
Research team also did interview with Mr. Touch Lay that he is the former field coordinator (Presently he work for Donbosco) that responsible in Poi Pet the purpose of interview is to dig the information regarding to Prochea Thom resettlement, the research advisor also conducted the interview with Meav, she is the former programe manager of NPA (1996 - 2000?)
2-8- Focus group discussion design and Implementation
The Focus Group Discussion questionnaire is also update from BTKC too. In Prochea Thom village we did the group discussion with WPC and VHR. There are …. Of WPC member involved and 14 of VHR are involved in the group discussion.
Information that we get from FGD with VHR and WPC also help much too because we know more about how the committee setup and why most all the committee are not working. Also this qualitative data also help to write this initial summary report.
The FGD that we design is only focus on two groups of the committee that are more active and more priority that we need to talk with them, such as:
- Water Point Committee
- Village Health Representative